LHAPDF  6.5.5
Todo List
Page Design

Use the global config system for the path handling?

Should the env var overwrite the install prefix or prepend?

Documentation system for PDFs – output for pick-up by Doxygen?

Module Generic metadata cascading mechanism
Add AlphaS getter for set-level alphaS?
Member LHAPDF::AlphaS::alphasQ2 (double q2) const =0
Throw error in this base method if Q < Lambda?
Class LHAPDF::AlphaS_Ipol
Extrapolation: log-gradient xpol at low Q, const at high Q?
Member LHAPDF::Extrapolator::_pdf
Make an all-PID version of extrapolateQ and Q2?
Member LHAPDF::findpdfsetinfopath (const std::string &setname)
Check that set info and mem=0 file are in same dir?
Member LHAPDF::GridPDF::setExtrapolator (EXTRAPOLATOR xpol)
Use SFINAE magic to restrict EXTRAPOLATOR to subclasses of Extrapolator?
Member LHAPDF::GridPDF::setInterpolator (INTERPOLATOR ipol)
Use SFINAE magic to restrict INTERPOLATOR to subclasses of Interpolator?
Class LHAPDF::Info
Move this out of Info. To Factories.h or SystemConfig.h?
Member LHAPDF::Interpolator::type () const

Make an all-PID version of interpolateQ and Q2?

Would name() or scheme() be a better name? "Type" maybe confuses with the language type-system

Member LHAPDF::norm_quantile (double p)
Add iszero() & equals(,) functions?
Member LHAPDF::PDF::flavors () const
Make virtual for AnalyticPDF? Or allow manual setting of the Info?
Member LHAPDF::PDF::orderQCD () const
Provide a setter function?
Member LHAPDF::PDF::quarkMass (int id) const
Provide a setter function?
Member LHAPDF::PDF::quarkThreshold (int id) const
Provide a setter function?
Member LHAPDF::PDFInfo::PDFInfo ()
Member LHAPDF::PDFInfo::PDFInfo (const std::string &mempath)
Bypasses standard path searching hence used by the path-based GridPDF constructor, for example.
Member LHAPDF::PDFSet::_checkPdfType (const std::vector< string > &pdftypes) const
We need to make the signature clearer – what is the arg? Why not automatically check the members? Why not a plural name? Why not on PDF? "Hiding" the name for now with the leading underscore.
Member LHAPDF::PDFSet::mkPDFs () const
Use the following with default function template args if C++11 is being used
Member LHAPDF::PDFSet::mkPDFs (std::vector< PTR > &pdfs) const

Need to use an std::move here, or write differently, for unique_ptr to work?

Needs to be implemented in the header since the arg type is templated.

Member LHAPDF::PDFSet::PDFSet (const std::string &setname)
Member LHAPDF::PDFSet::PDFSet ()
Member LHAPDF::PDFSet::uncertainty (const std::vector< double > &values, double cl=CL1SIGMA, bool alternative=false) const
Add option to restrict replica mean & stddev calculation to a central CI set?
Member LHAPDF::PDFSet::uncertainty (PDFUncertainty &rtn, const std::vector< double > &values, double cl=CL1SIGMA, bool alternative=false) const
For real efficiency, the chaining of these functions should be the other way around
page Main Page
Add some developer build guides, including the autotools, Cython, etc. gotchas.
Module Math functions
Add an abspath(p) function