contur.scan package
contur.scan.grid_tools module
- contur.scan.grid_tools.find_param_point(grid_name, tag, paramList, verbose=False)[source]
Given a list of parameters and values, find the appropriate yoda file in a tree and return it. If no params given, just return the existing list
- contur.scan.grid_tools.grid_loop(extract=False, clean=True, unmerge=False, archive=False, check=False, check_all=False, resub=False, queue='')[source]
General purpose function for looking through all the files below scan_path and performing various operations. Unless told otherwise (by setting
) it will always merge any unmerged yodas and zip the result.the top directory to start from is taken from config.grid
- Parameters:
extract – extract analyses with names in the strong config.onlyAnalyses into new directory
clean – remove unnecessary files
unmerge – remove the merged yoda files and decompress the raw yoda files
archive – if true, remove unnecessary files (unless told not to) and compress the rest
check – look for batch jobs that ran and failed
check_all – look for batch jobs that either ran and failed, or were never run
resub – resubmit any jobs identified by check ot check_all
queue – queue to resubmit them to
- Returns:
return a list of all the directories containing valid yoda files.
- contur.scan.grid_tools.hide_directory(dirname)[source]
return true or false depending on if the input directory name is in the list of directories that should be hidden/ignored when looking for yoda files.
- contur.scan.grid_tools.is_unmerged_yoda(filename)[source]
return true if the the file name is consistent with being a raw (ie unmerged) yoda file output from a job
- contur.scan.grid_tools.is_unmerged_yoda_gz(filename)[source]
return true if the the file name is consistent with being a gzipped raw (ie unmerged) yoda file output from a job
contur.scan.os_functions module
Functions that operate directly on the operating/file system in a contur grid.
- class contur.scan.os_functions.WorkingDirectory(temp_working_directory)[source]
Context manager to temporarily change working directory
- contur.scan.os_functions.delete_files(root)[source]
delete all the superfluous files in root
the superfluous files are defined in cfg.unneeded_files
- contur.scan.os_functions.gen_format_dict(parameters, idx)[source]
Create dictionary to use in formatting template run card.
- Parameters:
parameters (dict) – (parameter, value) pairs
idx – numerical ID (nnnn) of the paramter point
- contur.scan.os_functions.get_exclusions(filename='')[source]
Get points that we will exclude from param file
- Parameters:
filename – name of the parameter file to read. If empty, the value from cfg is used.
- contur.scan.os_functions.make_run_point_directory(run_point, output_dir)[source]
If run point directories don’t exist, make them and return path
- contur.scan.os_functions.read_param_steering_file(filename='')[source]
Read in the parameter card and convert to a python dict
- Parameters:
filename – name of the steering file. If empty, the value from cfg is used
- contur.scan.os_functions.read_sampled_map(input_dir)[source]
read the sampled_points.dat file
- Returns:
sampled_points: the sampled points as a ConfigObj
- contur.scan.os_functions.sanitise_inputs(section, key)[source]
Function specific to config obj to walk and convert key values.
- contur.scan.os_functions.write_generator_files(templates, param_dict, run_point, run_point_path, pipe_hepmc, seed, num_events, beam)[source]
Write the generator steering files, based on templates, formatted with parameter values. Generator is determined by cfg.mceg
- Parameters:
templates – list of template files
param_dict – dictionary of event generator parameters
run_point – the numeric id of the run point
run_point_path – the full path of the run point directory
pipe_hepmc (bool) – run the hepmc events from the generator through a unix pipe to rivet
seed – random number seed for the event generator
num_events – number of MC event generator events per parameter point
beam – collider beam being generated
- contur.scan.os_functions.write_param_dat(param_dict, run_point_path, run_point)[source]
Write param file containing parameter values for given run point.
- contur.scan.os_functions.write_sampled_map(output_dir, param_dict)[source]
write a config object of the sampled points to a text file (sampled_points.dat) in the output_dir containing parameters and values scanned in a grid beneath output_dir.
- Parameters:
output_dir – directory to write the file to
param_dict – dictionary of
contur.scan.scanning_functions module
- contur.scan.scanning_functions.check_param_consistency(param_dict, template_path)[source]
Check that parameters in param file match those in templates.
- contur.scan.scanning_functions.coords_from_axes(param_dict, param_names=None)[source]
Read the param_dict that has been dressed with axes values and build a grid to return
- contur.scan.scanning_functions.create_axes(param_config_dict)[source]
this is a bit of hybrid mess, should just make the grid directly out of these axes and attach to object I think?….
- contur.scan.scanning_functions.filter_param_dict_by_key(param_dict, expr)[source]
filter the parameter dictionary based on the key
- Parameters:
param_dict – dictionary containing the model parameters.
expr – expression which, if true, means the parameter passes
- contur.scan.scanning_functions.generate_points(param_dict)[source]
Generate points to sample using given mode.
- parameters:
param_dict: Dictionary with parameter names as keys each containing another dictionary with keys ‘range’ and ‘values’.
- returns:
param_dict: Same param_dict as was passed in to the function but now filled with points.
num_points: The number of points generated.
- contur.scan.scanning_functions.invalid_params(run_point, param_dict)[source]
return false is any of the params are invalid for this run_point
- contur.scan.scanning_functions.load_df_points(param_dict)[source]
Loads the parameter points for DATAFRAME mode from the given Pickle file(s).
- contur.scan.scanning_functions.read_template_file(template_file_in)[source]
Read in template files and store contents in dictionary
- contur.scan.scanning_functions.run_scan(param_dict, beams, num_points, template_file, out_dir, pipe_hepmc, seed, num_events, single, exclusions=[])[source]
Given points defined in param_dict, create run point directories and populate with MCEG template file and parameter file.
- Parameters:
param_dict – Dictionary with parameter names as keys each containing another dictionary with keys ‘range’ and ‘values’.
out_dir – top level output directory for the grid scan
pipe_hepmc – is True, running hepmc events to a pipe for rivet to read. otherwise using a native generator rivet interface.
seed – random number seed
num_events – number of events to generate
exclusions – list of run points to be excluded
- Returns: