contur package


Module contents

The Contur package for model interpretation of collider-physics measurements

The Contur package contains the following submodules, which should be imported by hand as needed.

  • contur.config - Global configuration options

  • - Database and associated functions parsing data/covariance info from Rivet/YODA

  • contur.export - Utiluty for exporting map files to csv

  • contur.factories - Main worker classes for contur functionality

  • - Driver for scans using active learning

  • contur.plot - Plotting engine and styling

  • - Defines logic used in python executables

  • contur.scan - Utilities for steering/running creation of MC grids

  • contur.util - Misc helper functions



Main executable for running contur analysis on a grid of yoda files, a single yoda file, or a yoda stream

This is the main analysis executable for Contur: Constraints on new theories using Rivet

usage: contur [-h] [-v] [-d] [-q] [-l LOG] [--offline] [--nomultip]
              [-p PARAM_FILE] [-g GRID] [-r RESULTS] [--runname RUNNAME]
              [--tag TAG] [--csv CSVFILE] [--remerge] [--addtoDB]
              [--keep-hepmc] [--nopyscripts] [-b BEAMS] [-o OUTPUTDIR]
              [--db DBFILE] [--model MODEL] [-P [PI]] [-M [ME]] [--slha SLHA]
              [--BW BINWIDTH] [--BO BINOFFSET] [--ns]
              [--ana-match ANAPATTERNS] [--ana-unmatch ANAUNPATTERNS] [--all]
              [--xr] [--tracks-only] [--soft-physics] [--xhg] [--whw] [--wbv]
              [--awz] [-s] [--wn WEIGHTNAME] [--sm SMPRED] [-f FINDPARAMS]
              [-u] [--tc] [--min-num-sys MNS] [--split-pools POOLPATTERNS]
              [--ana-split ANASPLIT] [--spb] [--lle] [--spey]
              [yodafiles ...]

Named Arguments

-v, --version

print version number and exit.

Default: False

-d, --debug

Switch on Debug to all, written to log file

Default: False

-q, --quiet

Suppress info messages

Default: False

-l, --log

Specify logfile name.

Default: 'contur.log'


Run in offline mode (no querying of inspire).

Default: False


Do not use multiprocessing.

Default: False

-b, --beams
Select beams to run on. Default is to run on 13TeV.

Known beams are [‘13TeV’, ‘2_76TeV’, ‘7TeV’, ‘8TeV’, ‘all’]. NOTE: em_ep_91_2 is currently beta, see

Default: 'all'


only run on analyses whose name matches this regex

Default: []


exclude analyses whose name matches this regex

Default: []

-f, --find-point

identify points consistent with these parameters and make histograms for them

Default: []

Options relating to grid of results

-p, --param-steering-file

File specifying parameter space scanned.

Default: 'param_file.dat'

-g, --grid

Run in grid mode on a folder containing a structured grid of points.

-r, --results

Name of the file for the results database.


Identifier for grid run

Default: 'my_run'


Identifier for merged yoda files.

Default: 'runpoint'


Name of csv file output if desired (in grid mode).


Do not use any existing merges of yoda files: merge yoda files anew.

Default: False


add results to an existing results file.

Default: False


preserve the HepMC files if they are being generated (in grid mode).

Default: False


Disable writing of Python scripts for individual histograms.

Default: False


-o, --outputdir

Output path.

Default: 'ANALYSIS'


List of indiviudal yoda files to process.

--db, --dbfile

Name of file for results DB.

Default: 'contur_run.db'

Dressing options to embellish outputs


Optionally give name for model used. Only used for documentation.

-P, --particleinfo

Comma-separated list of particles for which mass, width, branchings will be stored. If flag is present with no list, info will be saved for all particles found.

-M, --matrix_element

Comma-separated list of matrix elements for which cross sections will be stored.If flag is present with no list, info will be saved for all non-zero processes found.


read parameters from a comma-seperated list of blocks in an SLHA file

Default: 'MASS'

--BW, --binwidth

optional binning of SLHA paramters

--BO, --binoffset

optional bin offset for SLHA parameters

--ns, --nostack

in single run mode, do not stack the histograms in dat file output

Default: False

Options to exclude/include subsets of data


Convenience option to use all data. Overrides any other selections.

Default: False

--xr, --nometratio

Exclude plots where exclusion would be based on a ratio to the SM dileptonsUse this when you have ehnanced Z production in your model.

Default: False


Only use plots which are based on tracking informationUseful for models where calorimeter jet calibration may be suspect (e.g. dark showers).

Default: False


Include plots which are very sensitive to soft QCD.Not reliable unless you really know what you are doing.

Default: False

--xhg, --nohiggsgamma

Exclude plots where Higgs to photons signal is background-subtracted by fitting continuum.Do this when you have large non-Higgs diphoton production from your model.

Default: False

--whw, --withhiggsww

Include plots where Higgs to WW signal is background-subtracted using data.Only try this when you have large Higgs WW from your model and not much top or other source of WW.

Default: False

--wbv, --withbvetos

Include plots where a b-jet veto was applied in the measurement but not in the fiducial definition.Only try this when you have large W+jets enhancements and no extra top or other source of W+b.

Default: False

--awz, --atlas-wz

Include the ATLAS WZ analysis with dodgy SM assumptions.Might be useful for enhanced WZ cross sections but be careful.

Default: False

-s, --use-searches

Use reco-level search analyses in the sensitivity evaluation (beta).

Default: False

--wn, --weight-name

for weighted events/histos, select the name of the weight to use.

Default: ''

--sm, --sm-prediction

select the prediction ID to use.

Default: 'A'

Options to Manipulate the constructed test statistic. They dont apply if correlations are switched off

-u, --diagonalise-cov

Use diagonal version of covariance matrix (ie no systematic correlations).

Default: False

--tc, --theorycorr

Assume SM theory uncertainties are correlated

Default: False


minimum number of systematic nuisance parameters for them to be treated as correlated

Default: 5


write out histograms from analyses in given pools separately

Default: []


write out histograms from given analyses separately

Default: []

--spb, --signal-plus-background

Tell contur that the input histos are signal-plus-background, not just signal

Default: False

--lle, --look-elsewhere

Treat plots with no signal as agreeing well. Otherwise (default) they are ignored.

Default: False


Use spey to calculate the test statistics (beta)

Default: False


Run a series of batch jobs to either 1) build a grid of yoda files or 2) analyse a grid of yoda files

Run a parameter space scan and submit batch jobs. Produces a directory for each beam containing generator config file detailing the parameters used at that run point and a shell script to run the generator that is then submitted to batch. (if –single, just make one example directory)

usage: contur-batch [-h] [-v] [-d] [-q] [-l LOG] [--offline] [--nomultip]
                    [-p PARAM_FILE] [-g GRID] [-r RESULTS] [--runname RUNNAME]
                    [--tag TAG] [--csv CSVFILE] [--remerge] [--addtoDB]
                    [--keep-hepmc] [--nopyscripts] [-b BEAMS] [-o OUTPUTDIR]
                    [--template TEMPLATE_FILE] [--runinfo RUN_INFO]
                    [-n NUM_EVENTS] [--seed SEED] [-Q QUEUE] [-s] [-P]
                    [-w WALLTIME] [--memory MEMORY] [-B BATCH_SYSTEM] [-V]
                    [--single] [--setup SETUP_SCRIPT]
                    [--main-program MAIN_PROGRAM] [-m MCEG]

Named Arguments

-v, --version

print version number and exit.

Default: False

-d, --debug

Switch on Debug to all, written to log file

Default: False

-q, --quiet

Suppress info messages

Default: False

-l, --log

Specify logfile name.

Default: 'contur.log'


Run in offline mode (no querying of inspire).

Default: False


Do not use multiprocessing.

Default: False

-b, --beams
Select beams to run on. Default is to run on 13TeV.

Known beams are [‘13TeV’, ‘2_76TeV’, ‘7TeV’, ‘8TeV’, ‘all’]. NOTE: em_ep_91_2 is currently beta, see

Default: '13TeV'

-o, --outputdir

Output path.

Default: 'myscan00'

-m, --mceg

MC event generator.

Default: 'herwig'

Options relating to grid of results

-p, --param-steering-file

File specifying parameter space scanned.

Default: 'param_file.dat'

-g, --grid

Run in grid mode on a folder containing a structured grid of points.

-r, --results

Name of the file for the results database.


Identifier for grid run

Default: 'my_run'


Identifier for merged yoda files.

Default: 'runpoint'


Name of csv file output if desired (in grid mode).


Do not use any existing merges of yoda files: merge yoda files anew.

Default: False


add results to an existing results file.

Default: False


preserve the HepMC files if they are being generated (in grid mode).

Default: False


Disable writing of Python scripts for individual histograms.

Default: False

Batch system control


Template Herwig .in file.

Default: ''


Directory with required run information. Set to ‘none’ to not use one.

Default: 'RunInfo'

-n, --numevents

Number of events to generate.

Default: 30000


Seed for random number generator.

Default: 101

-Q, --queue

batch queue.

Default: ''

-s, --scan-only, --scan-only

Only perform scan and do not submit batch job.

Default: False

-P, --pipe-hepmc, --pipe-hepmc

Rivet reading from pipe.

Default: False

-w, --walltime

Set maximum wall time for jobs (HH:MM).


Set maximum memory consumption for jobs (e.g. 2G).

-B, --batch

Specify which batch system is using, support: qsub, condor or slurm

Default: 'qsub'

-V, --variable-precision

Use this flag to make number of events for each point variable

Default: False


just generate one example directory, no job submission

Default: False


specify a setup script to be sourced at start of analysis batch job.


Specify whether to use the main93 or main89 program for pythia8. Number of events for main89 presently have to be specified within your command file.

Default: 'main93'


Export a map file as a csv file.


Extract the cross sections and branching ratios from a single event generator log


Collection of utilities for operating on grids of yoda files

Various manipulations on a grid.

usage: contur-gridtool [-h] [-v] [-d] [-q] [-l LOG] [--offline] [--nomultip]
                       [-p PARAM_FILE] [-g GRID] [-r RESULTS]
                       [--runname RUNNAME] [--tag TAG] [--csv CSVFILE]
                       [--remerge] [--addtoDB] [--keep-hepmc] [--nopyscripts]
                       [--ana-match ANAPATTERNS] [--ana-unmatch ANAUNPATTERNS]
                       [-f FINDPARAMS] [--merge] [--remove-merged]
                       [--no-clean] [--archive] [-c] [--ca] [-S] [--detail]
                       [--plot] [-m MCEG]

Named Arguments

-v, --version

print version number and exit.

Default: False

-d, --debug

Switch on Debug to all, written to log file

Default: False

-q, --quiet

Suppress info messages

Default: False

-l, --log

Specify logfile name.

Default: 'contur.log'


Run in offline mode (no querying of inspire).

Default: False


Do not use multiprocessing.

Default: False


only run on analyses whose name matches this regex

Default: []


exclude analyses whose name matches this regex

Default: []

-f, --find-point

identify points consistent with these parameters and make histograms for them

Default: []

-m, --mceg

MC event generator.

Default: 'herwig'

Options relating to grid of results

-p, --param-steering-file

File specifying parameter space scanned.

Default: 'param_file.dat'

-g, --grid

Run in grid mode on a folder containing a structured grid of points.

-r, --results

Name of the file for the results database.


Identifier for grid run

Default: 'my_run'


Identifier for merged yoda files.

Default: 'runpoint'


Name of csv file output if desired (in grid mode).


Do not use any existing merges of yoda files: merge yoda files anew.

Default: False


add results to an existing results file.

Default: False


preserve the HepMC files if they are being generated (in grid mode).

Default: False


Disable writing of Python scripts for individual histograms.

Default: False

Control options


merge two or more grids using symbolic links. Excludes other options

Default: False


if unmerged yodas exist, unzip them, and remove merged ones

Default: False


do not remove unnecessary files.

Default: False


remove intermediate and unncessary files, and compress others.

Default: False

-c, --check

check whether all grid points have valid yodas

Default: False

--ca, --check-all

include grid points without logfiles when checking for yodas

Default: False

-S, --submit

(re)submit any jobs which are found to have failed.

Default: False


output detailed information for certain parameter point

Default: False


make histograms for specified parameters (much slower!)

Default: False


Make the contents of the user area (compile DB, new rivet routines etc)


Merge a list of map files


Make the contur webpage bibliography


Make an html summary, with links to plots, for a single yoda file on which contur has been run


Make theory reference yodas (/THY/) from raw theory archives.


Run the oracle


Main executuble for making heatmap and contour plots from a map file

Plot contur heatmaps from a results file.

usage: contur-plot [-h] [-v] [-d] [-q] [-l LOG] [--offline] [--nomultip]
                   [-o OUTPUTDIR] [-i INPUTDIR] [-ef EXTERNALFUNCTION]
                   [-eg EXTERNALGRID] [-xl] [-yl] [--pools] [-O OMIT]
                   [-x XLABEL] [-y YLABEL] [-sp] [-t TITLE] [--ilevel ILEVEL]
                   [--iorder IORDER] [--style {DRAFT,FINAL}] [--isigma ISIGMA]
                   [--clstxt] [--no-clsdpool] [-f PLOT_FORMAT] [--databg]
                   [--secondary-contours] [--hl-estimate] [--interactive]
                   [--cls CLS] [--slice SLICE] [--no-legend]
                   file [variables ...]

Named Arguments

-v, --version

print version number and exit.

Default: False

-d, --debug

Switch on Debug to all, written to log file

Default: False

-q, --quiet

Suppress info messages

Default: False

-l, --log

Specify logfile name.

Default: 'contur.log'


Run in offline mode (no querying of inspire).

Default: False


Do not use multiprocessing.

Default: False

-o, --outputdir

Output path.

Default: 'conturPlot'

Heatmap file plotting arguments


Path to result database file that containing the info of model points .


x, y [and z] variables to plot.

-i, --indir

the directory to look in for results.

Default: 'ANALYSIS'

-ef, --externalFunction

Python file with external functions to load and plot

-eg, --externalGrid

Python file loading alternative external grids

-xl, --xlog

Set the xaxis to be displayed on a log scale

Default: False

-yl, --ylog

Set the yaxis to be displayed on a log scale

Default: False


Turn on plotting of individual analysis pools (much slower!)

Default: False

-O, --omit

Name of pool to omit (will slow things down!)

Default: ''

-x, --xlabel

x-axis label. Accepts latex formatting but special characters must be input with a slash, e.g. $M_{z'}$~[GeV]

-y, --ylabel

y-axis label. Accepts latex formatting but special characters must be input with a slash, e.g. $M_{z'}$~[GeV]

-sp, --save-plots

Save the raw matplotlib axes to a file for graphical manipulation

Default: False

-t, --title

Title for plot.

Default: ''

--ilevel, --iLevel

interpolation zoom level

Default: 3

--iorder, --iOrder

interpolation zoom spline order (1 to 5)

Default: 3


Possible choices: DRAFT, FINAL

Global flag for plot-styling variations: ‘final’ will have no title or cmap key and will produce a .tex file containing a colour legend for the dominant pools plot

Default: DRAFT

--isigma, --iSigma

interpolation smoothing radius, in mesh cells

Default: 0.75


Write CLs values on top of the mesh in the detailed dominant-pool plots.

Default: False


Skip the detailed dominant-pool plot with lead/sub/diff CLs meshes.

Default: False

-f, --format

format for plots (pdf, png…)

Default: 'pdf'


Make data-as-background the primary exclusion.

Default: False


Add contour(s) for stats other than the default.

Default: False


Add contour(s) for estimated HL-LHC sensitvity.

Default: False


Show figure in interactive mode

Default: False

--cls, --CLs

Minimum level of exclusion in order for citation to be printed in FINAL style.

Default: 0.68


Plot a 2D slice of a higher dimensional grid. Pass a string of parameter:value pairs in the format: ‘parameter1 value1 parameter2 value2 …’

Default: ''


Do not show a legend in the 2D plots.

Default: True


Extract the cross sections and branching ratios from generator log files in a grid


Run contur analysis on data vs SM theory

Running Standard Model comparisons.

usage: contur-smtest [-h] [-v] [-d] [-q] [-l LOG] [--offline] [--nomultip]
                     [-o OUTPUTDIR] [-b BEAMS] [--ana-match ANAPATTERNS]
                     [--ana-unmatch ANAUNPATTERNS] [--all] [--xr]
                     [--tracks-only] [--soft-physics] [--xhg] [--whw] [--wbv]
                     [--awz] [-s] [--wn WEIGHTNAME] [--sm SMPRED] [-u] [--tc]
                     [--min-num-sys MNS] [--split-pools POOLPATTERNS]
                     [--ana-split ANASPLIT] [--spb] [--lle] [--spey]
                     [--graphics GRAPHICS]

Named Arguments

-v, --version

print version number and exit.

Default: False

-d, --debug

Switch on Debug to all, written to log file

Default: False

-q, --quiet

Suppress info messages

Default: False

-l, --log

Specify logfile name.

Default: 'contur.log'


Run in offline mode (no querying of inspire).

Default: False


Do not use multiprocessing.

Default: False

-o, --outputdir

Output path.

-b, --beams
Select beams to run on. Default is to run on 13TeV.

Known beams are [‘13TeV’, ‘2_76TeV’, ‘7TeV’, ‘8TeV’, ‘all’]. NOTE: em_ep_91_2 is currently beta, see

Default: 'all'


only run on analyses whose name matches this regex

Default: []


exclude analyses whose name matches this regex

Default: []


Generate rivet plot graphics.

Options to exclude/include subsets of data


Convenience option to use all data. Overrides any other selections.

Default: False

--xr, --nometratio

Exclude plots where exclusion would be based on a ratio to the SM dileptonsUse this when you have ehnanced Z production in your model.

Default: False


Only use plots which are based on tracking informationUseful for models where calorimeter jet calibration may be suspect (e.g. dark showers).

Default: False


Include plots which are very sensitive to soft QCD.Not reliable unless you really know what you are doing.

Default: False

--xhg, --nohiggsgamma

Exclude plots where Higgs to photons signal is background-subtracted by fitting continuum.Do this when you have large non-Higgs diphoton production from your model.

Default: False

--whw, --withhiggsww

Include plots where Higgs to WW signal is background-subtracted using data.Only try this when you have large Higgs WW from your model and not much top or other source of WW.

Default: False

--wbv, --withbvetos

Include plots where a b-jet veto was applied in the measurement but not in the fiducial definition.Only try this when you have large W+jets enhancements and no extra top or other source of W+b.

Default: False

--awz, --atlas-wz

Include the ATLAS WZ analysis with dodgy SM assumptions.Might be useful for enhanced WZ cross sections but be careful.

Default: False

-s, --use-searches

Use reco-level search analyses in the sensitivity evaluation (beta).

Default: False

--wn, --weight-name

for weighted events/histos, select the name of the weight to use.

Default: ''

--sm, --sm-prediction

select the prediction ID to use.

Default: 'A'

Options to Manipulate the constructed test statistic. They dont apply if correlations are switched off

-u, --diagonalise-cov

Use diagonal version of covariance matrix (ie no systematic correlations).

Default: False

--tc, --theorycorr

Assume SM theory uncertainties are correlated

Default: False


minimum number of systematic nuisance parameters for them to be treated as correlated

Default: 5


write out histograms from analyses in given pools separately

Default: []


write out histograms from given analyses separately

Default: []

--spb, --signal-plus-background

Tell contur that the input histos are signal-plus-background, not just signal

Default: False

--lle, --look-elsewhere

Treat plots with no signal as agreeing well. Otherwise (default) they are ignored.

Default: False


Use spey to calculate the test statistics (beta)

Default: False