Source code for contur.factories.yoda_factories

The yoda_factories module contains three main components in the middle of the data flow, sitting between the high level steering
in :class:`contur.factories.Depot` class and the lower level statistics in the :class:`contur.factories.Likelihood` class

import os
import re

from joblib import Parallel

import contur
import contur.factories.test_observable
import contur.config.config as cfg
import as cdb
import contur.util.file_readers as cfr
import contur.util.utils as cutil
from import CovarianceBuilder

import rivet
import yoda
import yoda.plotting
import yoda.plotting.utils
import numpy as np

[docs] def load_bg_data(path,sm_id="A",smtest=False): """ load the background (THY) and data (REF) for all the observables associated with this rivet analysis if smtest then read all SM predictions, if not then only read the default/selected one. """ try: ana_id, tag = cutil.splitPath(path) except ValueError: ana_id = path analysis_list = cdb.get_analyses(analysisid=ana_id) if len(analysis_list) != 1: cfg.contur_log.error("{} does not specify a known, unique analysis! Result was: {}".format(path,analysis_list)) analysis = analysis_list[0] # see if this is analysis that has been selected on the command line if not cutil.analysis_select( return # first the measurement data. This is specified by the shortname, and is all in the same file. # check we haven't got it already if not (analysis.shortname in cfg.found_ref): f = cutil.find_ref_file(analysis) cfg.contur_log.debug("Reading data from {}".format(f)) if len(f)==0: cfg.contur_log.error("Cannot find REF data for {}".format( else: load_ref_aos(f,analysis) cfg.found_ref.append(analysis.shortname) # now see if there is any SM theory for this. These are specified by the full analysis name including options. if (not ( in cfg.found_thy )) or (smtest) : # get this list of predictions for this analysis. sm_predictions = cutil.find_thy_predictions(analysis) if sm_predictions is None: cfg.contur_log.debug("Cannot find SM theory for {}".format( else: for sm in sm_predictions: # selection on prediction ID here if == sm_id: load_sm_aos(sm) cfg.sm_prediction[]=sm cfg.found_thy.append(
[docs] def load_sm_aos(sm): """ Load the relevant analysis objects (REF or THY) from the file f. """ f = rivet.findAnalysisRefFile(sm.file_name) if os.path.isfile(f): cfg.contur_log.debug("Reading theory from {}".format(f)) else: cfg.contur_log.error("Could not find {}".format(sm.file_name)) return aos = for path,ao in aos.items(): if not rivet.isTheoryPath(path) or path in continue load_sm_ao(path,ao,sm)
[docs] def load_ref_aos(f,analysis): """ Load the relevant analysis objects (REF or THY) from the file f. """ aos = anas = cdb.get_analyses(analysisid=analysis.shortname) for path,ao in aos.items(): if rivet.isRefPath(path): # some gymnastics to filter out histograms we don't need to read (which can be huge) # need to make sure we pick up all the apporpriate analysis options for ana in anas: test_path = "/""/" if cdb.validHisto(test_path,filter=False): load_ref_ao(path,ao,aos) break
[docs] def load_ref_ao(path, orig_ao, aos): """ Load the ao, with the path=path, into memory, as THY or REF object """ # Find out whether the cross-section has been scaled by some factor (e.g. to area-normalise it) # and whether it is a differential in number of events (usually searches), and if so in how many GeV. # The latter is only needed if it is an N_events plot with zero uncertainty (again, usually searches), # so we can calculate and use the Poisson error from the event number. try: _isScaled, _scaleFactorData, _nev_differential = cdb.isNorm(orig_ao.path()) except cdb.InvalidPath: raise if _isScaled: # if we are not running in grid mode, save the original for display purposes only. if not cfg.silenceWriter: cfg.plotObj[path] = yoda.plotting.utils.mkPlotFriendlyScatter(orig_ao,includeOverflows=False,includeMaskedBins=False) cfg.contur_log.debug("Scaling {}".format(path)) orig_ao.scale(_scaleFactorData) cfg.contur_log.debug("Scaled {}".format(path)) # Convert all types to Scatter2D, including Scatter1Ds ao = yoda.plotting.utils.mkPlotFriendlyScatter(orig_ao,includeOverflows=False,includeMaskedBins=False) if ao.dim() > 2: cfg.contur_log.debug("Skipping Scatter{}D {}".format(ao.dim(),ao.path())) return if rivet.isRefPath(path) and not path in cfg.refObj.keys(): if not _nev_differential==0: # root(n) errors on event count histos root_n_errors(ao,True,nx=_nev_differential,replace=True) # object to build the covariance matrix cfg.contur_log.debug("AO TYPE IS {}".format(orig_ao.type())) cbuilder = CovarianceBuilder(orig_ao,ao,aos,_isScaled,_scaleFactorData,ignore_corrs=cfg.diag) cfg.contur_log.debug("Loading {}".format(path)) cfg.refObj[path] = ao # always fill the unCorr case in case we need it later cfg.refUncorr[path] = cbuilder.diagonal cfg.refCorr[path] = cbuilder.covM cfg.refErrors[path] = cbuilder.errorBreakdown
#cfg.contur_log.debug("cov matrix for {}".format(ao.path())) #cfg.contur_log.debug("{}".format(cbuilder.covM)) #cfg.contur_log.debug("{}".format(cbuilder.diagonal)) #cfg.contur_log.debug("{}".format(cbuilder.errorBreakdown))
[docs] def load_sm_ao(path,orig_ao,sm): """ Load the ao, with the path=path, into memory, as THY or REF object """ if not rivet.isTheoryPath(path): cfg.contur_log.warning("{} is not a SM theory object".format(path)) # Convert all types to Scatter2D, including Scatter1Ds ao = yoda.plotting.utils.mkPlotFriendlyScatter(orig_ao,includeOverflows=False,includeMaskedBins=False) if ao.dim() > 2: cfg.contur_log.debug("Skipping Scatter{}D {}".format(ao.dim(),ao.path())) return # Find out whether the cross-section has been scaled by some factor (e.g. to area-normalise it) # and whether it is a differential in number of events (usually searches), and if so in how many GeV. # The latter is only needed if it is an N_events plot with zero uncertainty (again, usually searches), # so we can calculate and use the Poisson error from the event number. try: _isScaled, _scaleFactorData, _nev_differential = cdb.isNorm(path) except cdb.InvalidPath: raise if _isScaled: if not cfg.silenceWriter: sm.plotObj[path] = ao.clone() ao.scale(ao.dim()-1, _scaleFactorData) cfg.contur_log.debug("Loading {}".format(path))[path] = ao # Build the covariance object to fill the dictionaries # For theory, we will not apply the "minimum number of error sources" criteria. # This means the systematics are always assumed correlated, unless the theory # correlations switch, or the master correlations switch, turns them off. # (or the data has no correlations, in which case we fall back to the single bin method anyway) cbuilder = CovarianceBuilder(orig_ao,ao,None,_isScaled,_scaleFactorData,apply_min=False,ignore_corrs=cfg.diag) if cbuilder.hasBreakdown: if cfg.useTheoryCorr: sm.corr[path] = cbuilder.covM else: sm.corr[path] = cbuilder.diagonal.copy() # always fill the unCorr case in case we need it later # sm.uncorr[path] = np.diag(sm.corr[path][np.eye(sm.corr[path].shape[0],dtype=bool)]) sm.uncorr[path] = cbuilder.diagonal else: sm.uncorr[path] = cbuilder.diagonal sm.corr[path] = cbuilder.diagonal.copy() # NB don't need to scale the errors again because they were already scaled in the "scale_scatter" step. sm.errors[path] = cbuilder.getErrorBreakdown()
[docs] def root_n_errors(ao, is_evcount, nx=0.0, lumi=1.0, replace=False): """Function to include root(number of expected events) errors in the uncertainties of 2D scatter. The uncertainty based on the expected events for the relevant integrated luminosity. This is not about MC statistics! The minimum uncertainty is one event... we are not doing proper low-stat treatment in tails, so this is a conservative fudge. :arg ao: The ``YODA`` analysis object to be manipulated. :type: :class:`YODA.AnalysisObject` :arg nx: factor needed to convert to number of events for none-uniform bin widths (<0, not used, ==0, do nothing). :type: float :arg is_evcount: True is the plot is in event numbers. Otherwise assumed to be a differential cross section. :type: boolean :arg lumi: Integrated luminosity used to get event counts from differential cross sections :type: float :arg replace: If True replace the uncertainties. If False (default) add them in quadrature. :type: bool """ cfg.contur_log.debug("Adding expected signal stat errors for {}. Evtc={}, Lumi={}, replace={}".format(ao.path(),is_evcount,lumi,replace)) cfg.contur_log.debug("Before: VALUES {} :\n UNCERTAINTIES {}".format(ao.yVals(),ao.yErrs())) try: for point in ao.points(): yup, ydown = point.yErrs() if replace and not (yup==0 and ydown==0): cfg.contur_log.warning("Overwriting non-zero uncertainty for {}.".format(ao.path())) if is_evcount: if nx < 0: # all we need is the square root uncertainty = max(np.sqrt(point.y()),1.0) else: # plot was presented as a differential number of events with non-constant bin width, need to multiply # by bin width and divide the differential factor. bw = point.xErrs()[0]*2.0 if nx > 0: num_events = max(point.y()*bw/nx,1.0) uncertainty = max(nx*np.sqrt(num_events)/bw,1.0) else: cfg.contur_log.warning("nx=0 for event count histo {}. Should not happen.".format(ao.path())) else: # cross section plots. bw = point.xErrs()[0]*2.0 num_events = max(point.y()*bw*lumi,1.0) try: uncertainty = np.sqrt(num_events)/(bw*lumi) except: cfg.contur_log.error("Divide by zero. {} has bin width {} and lumi {} val {}.".format(ao.path(),bw,lumi,point.x())) uncertainty = 0 if replace: point.setYErrs(uncertainty,uncertainty) else: point.setYErrs(np.sqrt(uncertainty**2+yup**2),np.sqrt(uncertainty**2+ydown**2)) cfg.contur_log.debug("After: VALUES {} :\n UNCERTAINTIES {}".format(ao.yVals(),ao.yErrs())) except AttributeError as ate: cfg.contur_log.error("No points for {}. {}".format(ao.path(),ate)) raise
[docs] class YodaFactory(object): """Class controlling Conturs YODA file processing ability This class is initialised from an os path to a ``YODA`` file and dresses it by iterating through each ao and wrapping that in an instance of :class:`~contur.factories.test_observable.Observable` which encapsulates a YODA analysis object and derives the required :class:`~contur.factories.likelihood.Likelihood` block for it. This class then contains the aggregated information for all of these instances across the entire ``YODA`` file. :param yodaFilePath: Valid :mod:`os.path` filesystem YODA file location :type yodaFilePath: ``string`` """ def __init__(self, yodaFilePath): self.yodaFilePath = yodaFilePath self._likelihood_blocks = [] self.observables = [] self.__get_likelihood_blocks() def __get_likelihood_blocks(self): """ Private function to collect all of the conturBuckets from a YODA file These are not combined, to each block contains all stat_types :Built variables: * **conturBuckets** (:class:`contur.block`) -- List of all conturBuckets created from YODA file """ mc_histos, x_sec, nev = cfr.get_histos(self.yodaFilePath) if mc_histos is None or len(mc_histos)==0: return yodaFilesDict = {} for histopath, orig_ao in cutil.progress_bar(mc_histos.items(), total=len(mc_histos)): if cdb.validHisto(histopath): # now load the REF and SM THY info for this analysis, if not already there. load_bg_data(histopath) ao = yoda.plotting.utils.mkPlotFriendlyScatter(orig_ao,includeOverflows=False,includeMaskedBins=False) observable = contur.factories.test_observable.Observable(ao, x_sec, nev) # if we are running on theory only, require it exists. if (observable._ref is not None) and not (observable._theoryComp and observable._thy is None): cfg.contur_log.debug("Processed measurement {}".format(observable.signal.path())) self._likelihood_blocks.append(observable._likelihood) self.observables.append(observable) # we cannot pickle yoda objects so we just declare them in this scope when we are scrubbing the yodafile del mc_histos, x_sec, nev def __repr__(self): return "{} with {} blocks".format(self.__class__.__name__, len(self._likelihood_blocks))