Source code for

import contur
import yoda
from yoda.plotting.utils import mkPlotFriendlyScatter
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats
import os, csv
import contur.config.config as cfg
import as cdb
import contur.util.utils as cutil

[docs] def write_csv(rawdir,hname,x,y): csv_name = os.path.join(rawdir,hname) print("Writing to {}".format(csv_name)) with open(csv_name, 'w', newline='') as csvfile: hwriter = csv.writer(csvfile) hwriter.writerow(x) hwriter.writerow(y)
[docs] def read_csv(rawdir,hname): lists = [] csv_name = os.path.join(rawdir,hname) cfg.contur_log.debug("Reading from {}".format(csv_name)) with open(csv_name, 'r', newline='') as csvfile: try: has_header = csv.Sniffer().has_header( except Exception as ex: cfg.contur_log.error("Problem reading {}".format(csvfile)) cfg.contur_log.error("{}".format(ex)) raise if (has_header): # this is vertical x, y listing. skip first column next(csvfile) lists.append([]) lists.append([]) hreader = csv.reader(csvfile,quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC) for row in hreader: if not has_header: lists.append(row) else: lists[0].append(row[0]) lists[1].append(row[1]) return lists[0],lists[1]
[docs] def do_ATLAS_2016_I1457605(prediction): """ Photon+jet NNLO Calculation from arXiv:1904.01044 Xuan Chen, Thomas Gehrmann, Nigel Glover, Marius Hoefer, Alexander Huss """ anaObjects = [] indir = cfg.input_dir a_name = "ATLAS_2016_I1457605" yoda_name = a_name+".yoda" analysis = cdb.get_analyses(analysisid=a_name,filter=False)[0] splitter = " " dataFiles = {a_name+"/d01-x01-y01": indir+"/NNLO-Photons/Fig5/NNLO.Et_gam_bin1_ATLAS.dat", a_name+"/d02-x01-y01": indir+"/NNLO-Photons/Fig5/NNLO.Et_gam_bin2_ATLAS.dat", a_name+"/d03-x01-y01": indir+"/NNLO-Photons/Fig5/NNLO.Et_gam_bin3_ATLAS.dat", a_name+"/d04-x01-y01": indir+"/NNLO-Photons/Fig5/NNLO.Et_gam_bin4_ATLAS.dat" } f = contur.util.utils.find_ref_file(analysis) aos = for path, orig_ao in aos.items(): ao = yoda.plotting.utils.mkPlotFriendlyScatter(orig_ao) filename = dataFiles.get(path[5:]) ao.setPath("/THY/"+path[5:]) ao.rmAnnotation("ErrorBreakdown") cfg.contur_log.debug("Reading {}".format(filename)) with open(filename, "r+") as f: data = f.readlines() # read the text file binNum = 0 nBins = len(ao.points()) cfg.contur_log.debug("{} bins".format(nBins)) for line in data: # get a list containing all the entries in a line allNums = line.strip().split(splitter) # check they're actually numbers numberLine = True for num in allNums: try: val = float(num) except ValueError: numberLine = False break if numberLine: tmplist = [float(allNums[3]), float(allNums[5]), float(allNums[7]), float( allNums[9]), float(allNums[11]), float(allNums[13]), float(allNums[15])] upper = max(tmplist) lower = min(tmplist) uncertainty = (upper - lower)/2000.0 mean = (upper + lower)/2000.0 if binNum < nBins: point = ao.point(binNum) binNum = binNum + 1 point.setY(mean) point.setYErrs(uncertainty, uncertainty) ao.setTitle(prediction.short_description) #ao.setAnnotation("Title", "NNLO QCD arXiv:1904.01044") anaObjects.append(ao) yoda.write(anaObjects, a_name+"-Theory.yoda")
[docs] def do_ATLAS_2017_I1645627(prediction): anaObjects = [] indir = cfg.input_dir # Photon+jet NNLO Calculation from arXiv:1904.01044 # Xuan Chen, Thomas Gehrmann, Nigel Glover, Marius Hoefer, Alexander Huss a_name = "ATLAS_2017_I1645627" splitter = " " dataFiles = {a_name+"/d01-x01-y01": indir+"/NNLO-Photons/Fig11/NNLO_pt_NNPDF31_hybIso.Et_gam_ATLAS.dat", a_name+"/d02-x01-y01": indir+"/NNLO-Photons/Fig12/NNLO_pt_NNPDF31_hybIso.ptj1_ATLAS.dat", a_name+"/d03-x01-y01": indir+"/NNLO-Photons/Fig14/NNLO_pt_NNPDF31_hybIso.dphi_gam_j1_ATLAS.dat", a_name+"/d04-x01-y01": indir+"/NNLO-Photons/Fig13/NNLO_pt_NNPDF31_hybIso.m_gam_j1_ATLAS.dat", a_name+"/d05-x01-y01": indir+"/NNLO-Photons/Fig15/NNLO_pt_NNPDF31_hybIso.abs_costhetastar_gam_j1_ATLAS.dat" } analysis = cdb.get_analyses(analysisid=a_name,filter=False)[0] f = contur.util.utils.find_ref_file(analysis) aos = for path, orig_ao in aos.items(): ao = yoda.plotting.utils.mkPlotFriendlyScatter(orig_ao) filename = dataFiles.get(path[5:]) ao.setPath("/THY/"+path[5:]) ao.rmAnnotation("ErrorBreakdown") cfg.contur_log.debug("Reading {}".format(filename)) with open(filename, "r+") as f: data = f.readlines() # read the text file binNum = 0 nBins = len(ao.points()) cfg.contur_log.debug("nBins= {}".format(nBins)) for line in data: # get a list containing all the entries in a line allNums = line.strip().split(splitter) # check they're actually numbers numberLine = True for num in allNums: try: val = float(num) except ValueError: numberLine = False break if numberLine: tmplist = [float(allNums[3]), float(allNums[5]), float(allNums[7]), float( allNums[9]), float(allNums[11]), float(allNums[13]), float(allNums[15])] upper = max(tmplist) lower = min(tmplist) uncertainty = (upper - lower)/2000.0 mean = (upper + lower)/2000.0 if binNum < nBins: point = ao.point(binNum) binNum = binNum + 1 point.setY(mean) point.setYErrs(uncertainty, uncertainty) ao.setTitle(prediction.short_description) anaObjects.append(ao) yoda.write(anaObjects, a_name+"-Theory.yoda")
[docs] def do_ATLAS_2012_I1199269(prediction): """ ATLAS 7TeV diphotons, 2gamma NNLO prediction read from paper S. Catani, L. Cieri, D. de Florian, G. Ferrera, and M. Grazzini, Diphoton production at hadron colliders: a fully-differential QCD calculation at NNLO, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 (2012) 072001, [arXiv:1110.2375]. """ anaObjects = [] indir = cfg.input_dir a_name = "ATLAS_2012_I1199269" splitter = ", " dataFiles = {a_name+"/d01-x01-y01": indir+"/"+a_name+"/2gammaNNLO-Fig5a.txt", a_name+"/d02-x01-y01": indir+"/"+a_name+"/2gammaNNLO-Fig5b.txt", a_name+"/d03-x01-y01": indir+"/"+a_name+"/2gammaNNLO-Fig5c.txt", a_name+"/d04-x01-y01": indir+"/"+a_name+"/2gammaNNLO-Fig5d.txt" } analysis = cdb.get_analyses(analysisid=a_name,filter=False)[0] f = contur.util.utils.find_ref_file(analysis) aos = for path, orig_ao in aos.items(): ao = yoda.plotting.utils.mkPlotFriendlyScatter(orig_ao) filename = dataFiles.get(path[5:]) if filename: ao.setPath("/THY/"+path[5:]) ao.rmAnnotation("ErrorBreakdown") cfg.contur_log.debug("Reading {}".format(filename)) with open(filename, "r+") as f: data = f.readlines() # read the text file binNum = 0 nBins = len(ao.points()) for line in data: # get a list containing all the entries in a line allNums = line.strip().split(splitter) # check they're actually numbers numberLine = True for num in allNums: try: val = float(num) except ValueError: numberLine = False break if numberLine: uncertainty = float(allNums[2]) mean = float(allNums[1]) if binNum < nBins: point = ao.point(binNum) binNum = binNum + 1 point.setY(mean) point.setYErrs( uncertainty, uncertainty) ao.setTitle(prediction.short_description) anaObjects.append(ao) yoda.write(anaObjects, a_name+"-Theory.yoda")
[docs] def do_ATLAS_2017_I1591327(prediction): """ ATLAS 8TeV diphotons, Matrix prediction prediction read from Predictions for the isolated diphoton production through NNLO in QCD and comparison to the 8 TeV ATLAS data Bouzid Boussaha, Farida Iddir, Lahouari Semlala arXiv:1803.09176 pT and phi* personal communication from Thomas Neumann: The Diphoton qT spectrum at N3LL′+NNLO 2gamma from S. Catani, L. Cieri, D. de Florian, G. Ferrera, and M. Grazzini, Diphoton production at hadron colliders: a fully-differential QCD calculation at NNLO, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 (2012) 072001, [arXiv:1110.2375]. """ anaObjects = [] indir = cfg.input_dir a_name = "ATLAS_2017_I1591327" splitter = ", " if == "B": dataFiles = {a_name+"/d02-x01-y01": indir+"/"+a_name+"/Matrix_Mass.txt", a_name+"/d03-x01-y01": indir+"/"+a_name+"/2gammaNNLO_pt.txt" } f_stem = "-Theory_B.yoda" elif == "A": dataFiles = {a_name+"/d02-x01-y01": indir+"/"+a_name+"/Matrix_Mass.txt", a_name+"/d03-x01-y01": indir+"/"+a_name+"/Neumann/ptgamgam.txt", a_name+"/d05-x01-y01": indir+"/"+a_name+"/Neumann/phistargamgam.txt" } f_stem = "-Theory.yoda" else: cfg.contur_log.error("No info for prediction {} ID {}".format(prediction.short_description, return analysis = cdb.get_analyses(analysisid=a_name,filter=False)[0] f = contur.util.utils.find_ref_file(analysis) aos = for path, orig_ao in aos.items(): ao = yoda.plotting.utils.mkPlotFriendlyScatter(orig_ao) filename = dataFiles.get(path[5:]) if filename: ao.setPath("/THY/"+path[5:]) ao.rmAnnotation("ErrorBreakdown") if "Neumann" in filename: splitter = None label = "2107.12478 (Neumann)" offset = 1 elif "Matrix" in filename: splitter = ", " label = "1803.09176 (Matrix)" offset = 0 else: splitter = ", " label = "2gamma NNLO" offset = 0 with open(filename, "r+") as f: data = f.readlines() # read the text file binNum = 0 nBins = len(ao.points()) for line in data: # get a list containing all the entries in a line allNums = line.strip().split(splitter) # check they're actually numbers numberLine = False for num in allNums: try: val = float(num) numberLine = True except ValueError: # if not "N3LLp-mtgg" in num: numberLine = False if not "N3LLp-ptg" in num: numberLine = False break if numberLine: mean = float(allNums[1+offset]) if offset==0: uncertainty1 = float(allNums[2+offset]) uncertainty2 = uncertainty1 else: uncertainty1 = float(allNums[2+offset])-mean uncertainty2 = mean-float(allNums[3+offset]) if binNum < nBins: point = ao.point(binNum) binNum = binNum + 1 point.setY(mean) point.setYErrs( uncertainty1, uncertainty2) ao.setAnnotation("Title", label) anaObjects.append(ao) yoda.write(anaObjects, a_name+f_stem)
[docs] def do_ATLAS_2016_I1467454(prediction): indir = cfg.input_dir anaObjects_el = [] anaObjects_mu = [] # ATLAS 8TeV HMDY mass distribution # Predictions from the paper, taken from the ll theory ratio plot (Born) but applied # to the dressed level ee & mm data as mult. factors. a_name_mu = "ATLAS_2016_I1467454:LMODE=MU" a_name_el = "ATLAS_2016_I1467454:LMODE=EL" short_name = "ATLAS_2016_I1467454" splitter = ", " dataFiles = {"d18-x01-y01": indir+"/"+short_name+"/dy1.txt", "d29-x01-y01": indir+"/"+short_name+"/dy1.txt", } analysis_mu = cdb.get_analyses(analysisid=a_name_mu,filter=False)[0] analysis_el = cdb.get_analyses(analysisid=a_name_el,filter=False)[0] # This finds the REF file, which is common to _mu and _el versions. yodaf = contur.util.utils.find_ref_file(analysis=analysis_mu) for histo, filename in dataFiles.items(): aos =, patterns=histo) orig_ao = next(iter(aos.values())) ao = yoda.plotting.utils.mkPlotFriendlyScatter(orig_ao) mu = ("d29" in histo) el = ("d18" in histo) if mu: ao.setPath("/THY/{}/{}".format(a_name_mu,histo)) elif el: ao.setPath("/THY/{}/{}".format(a_name_el,histo)) ao.rmAnnotation("ErrorBreakdown") with open(filename, "r+") as f: data = f.readlines() # read the text file binNum = 0 nBins = len(ao.points()) for line in data: # get a list containing all the entries in a line allNums = line.strip().split(splitter) # check they're actually numbers numberLine = True for num in allNums: try: val = float(num) except ValueError: numberLine = False break if numberLine: uncertainty = float(allNums[2]) mean = float(allNums[1]) if binNum < nBins: point = ao.point(binNum) uncertainty = uncertainty*point.y() point.setYErrs( uncertainty, uncertainty) point.setY(point.y()*mean) binNum = binNum + 1 ao.setTitle(prediction.short_description) if el: anaObjects_el.append(ao) elif mu: anaObjects_mu.append(ao) yoda.write(anaObjects_el,"-Theory.yoda") yoda.write(anaObjects_mu,"-Theory.yoda")
[docs] def do_CMS_2017_I1467451(prediction): """ CMS 8TeV H->WW pT distribution Predictions from the paper """ indir = cfg.input_dir anaObjects = [] a_name = "CMS_2017_I1467451" splitter = ", " dataFiles = {a_name+"/d01-x01-y01": indir + "/"+a_name+"/hpt.txt"} analysis = cdb.get_analyses(analysisid=a_name,filter=False)[0] f = contur.util.utils.find_ref_file(analysis) aos = for path, orig_ao in aos.items(): ao = yoda.plotting.utils.mkPlotFriendlyScatter(orig_ao) filename = dataFiles.get(path[5:]) if filename: ao.setPath("/THY/"+path[5:]) ao.rmAnnotation("ErrorBreakdown") with open(filename, "r+") as f: data = f.readlines() # read the text file binNum = 0 nBins = len(ao.points()) for line in data: # get a list containing all the entries in a line allNums = line.strip().split(splitter) # check they're actually numbers numberLine = True for num in allNums: try: val = float(num) except ValueError: numberLine = False break if numberLine: uncertainty = float(allNums[2]) mean = float(allNums[1]) if binNum < nBins: point = ao.point(binNum) point.setYErrs( uncertainty, uncertainty) point.setY(mean) binNum = binNum + 1 ao.setTitle(prediction.short_description) anaObjects.append(ao) yoda.write(anaObjects, a_name+"-Theory.yoda")
[docs] def do_ATLAS_2015_I1408516(prediction): """ ATLAS 8TeV Drell-Yan phi* and pT distributions Predictions from Bizon et al arXiv:1805.05916 """ indir = cfg.input_dir anaObjects_el = [] anaObjects_mu = [] a_name_mu = "ATLAS_2015_I1408516:LMODE=MU" a_name_el = "ATLAS_2015_I1408516:LMODE=EL" short_name = "ATLAS_2015_I1408516" analysis_mu = cdb.get_analyses(analysisid=a_name_mu,filter=False)[0] analysis_el = cdb.get_analyses(analysisid=a_name_el,filter=False)[0] splitter = " " dataFiles = {"d02-x01-y04": indir+"/"+short_name+"/phistar/ATLAS_8TeV_phistar_NNLO_N3LL_46_66_0.0_0.8.dat", "d03-x01-y04": indir+"/"+short_name+"/phistar/ATLAS_8TeV_phistar_NNLO_N3LL_46_66_0.8_1.6.dat", "d04-x01-y04": indir+"/"+short_name+"/phistar/ATLAS_8TeV_phistar_NNLO_N3LL_46_66_1.6_2.4.dat", "d05-x01-y04": indir+"/"+short_name+"/phistar/ATLAS_8TeV_phistar_NNLO_N3LL_66_116_0.0_0.4.dat", "d06-x01-y04": indir+"/"+short_name+"/phistar/ATLAS_8TeV_phistar_NNLO_N3LL_66_116_0.4_0.8.dat", "d07-x01-y04": indir+"/"+short_name+"/phistar/ATLAS_8TeV_phistar_NNLO_N3LL_66_116_0.8_1.2.dat", "d08-x01-y04": indir+"/"+short_name+"/phistar/ATLAS_8TeV_phistar_NNLO_N3LL_66_116_1.2_1.6.dat", "d09-x01-y04": indir+"/"+short_name+"/phistar/ATLAS_8TeV_phistar_NNLO_N3LL_66_116_1.6_2.0.dat", "d10-x01-y04": indir+"/"+short_name+"/phistar/ATLAS_8TeV_phistar_NNLO_N3LL_66_116_2.0_2.4.dat", "d11-x01-y04": indir+"/"+short_name+"/phistar/ATLAS_8TeV_phistar_NNLO_N3LL_116_150_0.0_0.8.dat", "d12-x01-y04": indir+"/"+short_name+"/phistar/ATLAS_8TeV_phistar_NNLO_N3LL_116_150_0.8_1.6.dat", "d13-x01-y04": indir+"/"+short_name+"/phistar/ATLAS_8TeV_phistar_NNLO_N3LL_116_150_1.6_2.4.dat", "d14-x01-y04": indir+"/"+short_name+"/phistar/ATLAS_8TeV_phistar_NNLO_N3LL_46_66_0.0_2.4.dat", "d15-x01-y04": indir+"/"+short_name+"/phistar/ATLAS_8TeV_phistar_NNLO_N3LL_66_116_0.0_2.4.dat", "d16-x01-y04": indir+"/"+short_name+"/phistar/ATLAS_8TeV_phistar_NNLO_N3LL_116_150_0.0_2.4.dat", "d17-x01-y04": indir+"/"+short_name+"/ptz/ATLAS_8TeV_ptz_NNLO_N3LL_66_116_0.0_0.4.dat", "d18-x01-y04": indir+"/"+short_name+"/ptz/ATLAS_8TeV_ptz_NNLO_N3LL_66_116_0.4_0.8.dat", "d19-x01-y04": indir+"/"+short_name+"/ptz/ATLAS_8TeV_ptz_NNLO_N3LL_66_116_0.8_1.2.dat", "d20-x01-y04": indir+"/"+short_name+"/ptz/ATLAS_8TeV_ptz_NNLO_N3LL_66_116_1.2_1.6.dat", "d21-x01-y04": indir+"/"+short_name+"/ptz/ATLAS_8TeV_ptz_NNLO_N3LL_66_116_1.6_2.0.dat", "d22-x01-y04": indir+"/"+short_name+"/ptz/ATLAS_8TeV_ptz_NNLO_N3LL_66_116_2.0_2.4.dat", "d26-x01-y04": indir+"/"+short_name+"/ptz/ATLAS_8TeV_ptz_NNLO_N3LL_46_66_0.0_2.4.dat", "d27-x01-y04": indir+"/"+short_name+"/ptz/ATLAS_8TeV_ptz_NNLO_N3LL_66_116_0.0_2.4.dat", "d28-x01-y04": indir+"/"+short_name+"/ptz/ATLAS_8TeV_ptz_NNLO_N3LL_116_150_0.0_2.4.dat", "d02-x01-y01": indir+"/"+short_name+"/phistar/ATLAS_8TeV_phistar_NNLO_N3LL_46_66_0.0_0.8.dat", "d03-x01-y01": indir+"/"+short_name+"/phistar/ATLAS_8TeV_phistar_NNLO_N3LL_46_66_0.8_1.6.dat", "d04-x01-y01": indir+"/"+short_name+"/phistar/ATLAS_8TeV_phistar_NNLO_N3LL_46_66_1.6_2.4.dat", "d05-x01-y01": indir+"/"+short_name+"/phistar/ATLAS_8TeV_phistar_NNLO_N3LL_66_116_0.0_0.4.dat", "d06-x01-y01": indir+"/"+short_name+"/phistar/ATLAS_8TeV_phistar_NNLO_N3LL_66_116_0.4_0.8.dat", "d07-x01-y01": indir+"/"+short_name+"/phistar/ATLAS_8TeV_phistar_NNLO_N3LL_66_116_0.8_1.2.dat", "d08-x01-y01": indir+"/"+short_name+"/phistar/ATLAS_8TeV_phistar_NNLO_N3LL_66_116_1.2_1.6.dat", "d09-x01-y01": indir+"/"+short_name+"/phistar/ATLAS_8TeV_phistar_NNLO_N3LL_66_116_1.6_2.0.dat", "d10-x01-y01": indir+"/"+short_name+"/phistar/ATLAS_8TeV_phistar_NNLO_N3LL_66_116_2.0_2.4.dat", "d11-x01-y01": indir+"/"+short_name+"/phistar/ATLAS_8TeV_phistar_NNLO_N3LL_116_150_0.0_0.8.dat", "d12-x01-y01": indir+"/"+short_name+"/phistar/ATLAS_8TeV_phistar_NNLO_N3LL_116_150_0.8_1.6.dat", "d13-x01-y01": indir+"/"+short_name+"/phistar/ATLAS_8TeV_phistar_NNLO_N3LL_116_150_1.6_2.4.dat", "d14-x01-y01": indir+"/"+short_name+"/phistar/ATLAS_8TeV_phistar_NNLO_N3LL_46_66_0.0_2.4.dat", "d15-x01-y01": indir+"/"+short_name+"/phistar/ATLAS_8TeV_phistar_NNLO_N3LL_66_116_0.0_2.4.dat", "d16-x01-y01": indir+"/"+short_name+"/phistar/ATLAS_8TeV_phistar_NNLO_N3LL_116_150_0.0_2.4.dat", "d17-x01-y01": indir+"/"+short_name+"/ptz/ATLAS_8TeV_ptz_NNLO_N3LL_66_116_0.0_0.4.dat", "d18-x01-y01": indir+"/"+short_name+"/ptz/ATLAS_8TeV_ptz_NNLO_N3LL_66_116_0.4_0.8.dat", "d19-x01-y01": indir+"/"+short_name+"/ptz/ATLAS_8TeV_ptz_NNLO_N3LL_66_116_0.8_1.2.dat", "d20-x01-y01": indir+"/"+short_name+"/ptz/ATLAS_8TeV_ptz_NNLO_N3LL_66_116_1.2_1.6.dat", "d21-x01-y01": indir+"/"+short_name+"/ptz/ATLAS_8TeV_ptz_NNLO_N3LL_66_116_1.6_2.0.dat", "d22-x01-y01": indir+"/"+short_name+"/ptz/ATLAS_8TeV_ptz_NNLO_N3LL_66_116_2.0_2.4.dat", "d26-x01-y01": indir+"/"+short_name+"/ptz/ATLAS_8TeV_ptz_NNLO_N3LL_46_66_0.0_2.4.dat", "d27-x01-y01": indir+"/"+short_name+"/ptz/ATLAS_8TeV_ptz_NNLO_N3LL_66_116_0.0_2.4.dat", "d28-x01-y01": indir+"/"+short_name+"/ptz/ATLAS_8TeV_ptz_NNLO_N3LL_116_150_0.0_2.4.dat" } # This finds the REF file, which is common to _mu and _el versions. f = contur.util.utils.find_ref_file(analysis=analysis_mu) aos = for path, orig_ao in aos.items(): ao = yoda.plotting.utils.mkPlotFriendlyScatter(orig_ao) el = False mu = False filename = dataFiles.get( if filename: el = ("y01" in path) mu = ("y04" in path) if mu: ao.setPath("/THY/{}/{}".format(a_name_mu, elif el: ao.setPath("/THY/{}/{}".format(a_name_el, ao.rmAnnotation("ErrorBreakdown") cfg.contur_log.debug("Reading {}".format(filename)) with open(filename, "r+") as f: data = f.readlines() # read the text file binNum = 0 nBins = len(ao.points()) # now we want to get the born-to-dressed corrections if "y01" in path: # this is an electron plot dpath = path[:len(path)-1]+"2" dplot = yoda.plotting.utils.mkPlotFriendlyScatter(aos[dpath]) elif "y04" in path: # this is a muon plot dpath = path[:len(path)-1]+"5" dplot = yoda.plotting.utils.mkPlotFriendlyScatter(aos[dpath]) bornpath = path[:len(path)-1]+"6" bornplot = yoda.plotting.utils.mkPlotFriendlyScatter(aos[bornpath]) for line in data: # get a list containing all the entries in a line allNums = line.strip().split(splitter) # check they're actually numbers numberLine = True for num in allNums: try: val = float(num) except ValueError: numberLine = False break if numberLine: uncertainty = np.abs( (float(allNums[2])-float(allNums[3]))/2.0) mean = float(allNums[1]) if binNum < nBins: corr = dplot.point(binNum).y( )/bornplot.point(binNum).y() point = ao.point(binNum) point.setYErrs( uncertainty*corr, uncertainty*corr) point.setY(mean*corr) binNum = binNum + 1 ao.setTitle(prediction.short_description) if el: anaObjects_el.append(ao) elif mu: anaObjects_mu.append(ao) yoda.write(anaObjects_el,"-Theory.yoda") yoda.write(anaObjects_mu,"-Theory.yoda")
[docs] def do_ATLAS_2019_I1725190(prediction): """ ATLAS 13 TeV DY Run 2 search Fit to SM from the paper. """ anaObjects = [] a_name = "ATLAS_2019_I1725190" analysis = cdb.get_analyses(analysisid=a_name,filter=False)[0] def atlas_fit(mass,muon): # return the result of the ATLAS fit to dilepton mass, 13 TeV # electron if not muon rootS = 13000.0 mZ = 91.1876 gammaZ = 2.4952 x = mass/rootS if muon: # dimuon channel: c = 1.0/3.0 b = 11.8 p0 = -7.38 p1 = -4.132 p2 = -1.0637 p3 = -0.1022 else: # electron c = 1.0 b = 1.5 p0 = -12.38 p1 = -4.295 p2 = -0.9191 p3 = -0.0845 val = scipy.stats.cauchy.pdf(mass, mZ, gammaZ) * np.power((1-np.power(x,c)),b) * np.power(x, p0 + p1*np.log(x) + p2*np.log(x)**2 + p3*np.log(x)**3) return val a_muon = 138700 a_elec = 178000 f = contur.util.utils.find_ref_file(analysis) aos = for path, orig_ao in aos.items(): ao = yoda.plotting.utils.mkPlotFriendlyScatter(orig_ao) if "d01-x01-y01" in path: muon = False norm = 178000.0 elif "d02-x01-y01" in path: muon = True norm = 138700.0 else: continue ao.setPath("/THY/"+path[5:]) ao.rmAnnotation("ErrorBreakdown") sum_n = 0 for point in ao.points(): mass = point.x() point.setY(atlas_fit(mass,muon)) bw=point.xErrs()[0]*2.0 sum_n+=point.y()*bw norm = 10.*norm/sum_n # now another loop to set the normalisation. for point in ao.points(): point.setY(point.y()*norm) bw=point.xErrs()[0]*2.0 # uncertainty set to root of the number of events, then scaled to error on events per ten GeV ie sqrt(n=y*10)/10 num_events = point.y()*bw/10.0 uncertainty = 10.0*np.sqrt(num_events)/bw point.setYErrs(uncertainty,uncertainty) ao.setAnnotation("Title", "fit to data") anaObjects.append(ao) yoda.write(anaObjects, a_name+"-Theory.yoda")
[docs] def do_ATLAS_2021_I1852328(prediction): """ ATLAS 13 TeV WW+jet the prediction is for the b-veto, so we need to scale it for the difference (taken from the difference in the data) y05 multiplied by the ratio y02/y01 """ anaObjects = [] indir = cfg.input_dir a_name = "ATLAS_2021_I1852328" yoda_name = a_name+".yoda" analysis = cdb.get_analyses(analysisid=a_name,filter=False)[0] f = contur.util.utils.find_ref_file(analysis) aos = for path, orig_ao in aos.items(): ao = yoda.plotting.utils.mkPlotFriendlyScatter(orig_ao) if "y05" in path: aob = yoda.plotting.utils.mkPlotFriendlyScatter(aos[path[:-1]+"2"]) aoi = yoda.plotting.utils.mkPlotFriendlyScatter(aos[path[:-1]+"1"]) for points in zip(ao.points(),aob.points(),aoi.points()): points[0].setY(points[0].y()*points[1].y()/points[2].y()) ao.setTitle(prediction.short_description) ao.setPath(ao.path()[:-1]+"2") ao.setPath("/THY/"+ao.path()[5:]) ao.rmAnnotation("ErrorBreakdown") anaObjects.append(ao) yoda.write(anaObjects, a_name+"-Theory.yoda")
[docs] def do_ATLAS_2019_I1764342(prediction): """ ATLAS 13 TeV ll+photons There's a version of this in HEPData with no uncertainties. Rerun by Xilin Wang to include scale uncertainties, which are calculated here from the RAW rivet weights output. """ a_name = "ATLAS_2019_I1764342" if != "A": cfg.contur_log.error("Do not know how to make file for {}, prediction ID {}".format(a_name, return # input raw file. relpath = "data/TheoryRaw/{}/{}.yoda".format(a_name,a_name) f = cfg.paths.data_path(relpath) # output file f_out = prediction.file_name SCALES = [ 'MUR0.5_MUF0.5_PDF261000', 'MUR0.5_MUF1_PDF261000', 'MUR1_MUF0.5_PDF261000', 'MUR1_MUF1_PDF261000', 'MUR1_MUF2_PDF261000', 'MUR2_MUF1_PDF261000', 'MUR2_MUF2_PDF261000', ] #EW_CORRS = [ # 'MUR1_MUF1_PDF261000_MULTIASSEW', # 'MUR1_MUF1_PDF261000_EXPASSEW', # 'MUR1_MUF1_PDF261000_ASSEW', #] OUT = { } aos = for path, ao in aos.items(): if ao.dim() != 2: # Scatter1D object does not have y value continue if 'RAW' in path or path.endswith(']'): continue hname = '/THY' + path OUT[hname] = yoda.plotting.utils.mkPlotFriendlyScatter(ao,includeOverflows=False,includeMaskedBins=False) OUT[hname].setPath(hname) OUT[hname].setTitle(prediction.short_description) nominal = np.array([ b.sumW() for b in ao.bins() ]) statsSq = np.array([ b.sumW2() for b in ao.bins() ]) bwidth = np.array([ b.xMax() - b.xMin() for b in ao.bins() ]) scaleup = np.array(nominal) scaledn = np.array(nominal) for scale in SCALES: temp = np.array([ b.sumW() for b in aos['%s[%s]' % (path, scale) ].bins() ]) scaleup = np.array(list(map(max, zip(scaleup, temp)))) scaledn = np.array(list(map(min, zip(scaledn, temp)))) delta_qcd = 0.5 * (scaleup - scaledn) delta_total = np.sqrt(statsSq + delta_qcd ** 2) / bwidth for i in range(OUT[hname].numPoints()): cval = OUT[hname].point(i).y() olderr = OUT[hname].point(i).yErrs()[0] cfg.contur_log.debug('old: %.1f%%, new: %.1f%%' % (100.*olderr/cval, 100.*delta_total[i]/cval)) OUT[hname].point(i).setYErrs(delta_total[i]) # yoda.write(OUT, f.replace('.yoda', '_B.yoda')) yoda.write(OUT, f_out)
[docs] def do_ATLAS_2016_I1494075(prediction, mode_flag): """ ATLAS 8 TeV 4l/2l2nu Newly written rivet routine, verified with events generated by Powheg+Pythia 8 """ #Two separate files generated but with all histograms on it #so for mode 4L, graphs of 2L2NU will be empty and need to be excluded, vice versa. a_name = "ATLAS_2016_I1494075" mode_analysis = ["_MODE:4L", "_MODE:2L2NU"] # input raw file. relpath = "data/TheoryRaw/{}/{}-Theory.yoda".format(a_name,a_name + mode_analysis[mode_flag-1]) f = cfg.paths.data_path(relpath) # output file f_out = prediction.file_name #Include 62 weights > < SCALES = [ "_muR5000000E-01_muF5000000E-01_", "_muR1000000E+00_muF5000000E-01_", "_muR2000000E+00_muF5000000E-01_", "_muR5000000E-01_muF1000000E+00_", "_muR2000000E+00_muF1000000E+00_", "_muR5000000E-01_muF2000000E+00_", "_muR1000000E+00_muF2000000E+00_", "_muR2000000E+00_muF2000000E+00_", "_pdfset_21100_", "_pdfset_260000_" ] pdf_range = list(np.linspace(11001,11052,52,dtype=int)) pdf_list = ["_pdfset_"+str(i)+"_" for i in pdf_range] SCALES = SCALES + pdf_list OUT = { } histo_4l = ['d02', 'd03' ,'d04', 'd05'] histo_2l2nu = ['d06', 'd07', 'd08'] aos = for path, ao in aos.items(): #READING only Nominal data if ao.dim() != 2: # Scatter1D object does not have y value continue if 'RAW' in path or path.endswith(']'): continue if mode_flag == 1: if any(histo in path for histo in histo_2l2nu): continue if mode_flag == 2: if any(histo in path for histo in histo_4l): continue hname = '/THY' + path OUT[hname] = yoda.plotting.utils.mkPlotFriendlyScatter(ao,includeOverflows=False,includeMaskedBins=False) OUT[hname].setPath(hname) OUT[hname].setTitle(prediction.short_description) #Uncertainty calculation nominal = np.array([ b.sumW() for b in ao.bins() ]) statsSq = np.array([ b.sumW2() for b in ao.bins() ]) bwidth = np.array([ b.xMax() - b.xMin() for b in ao.bins() ]) scaleup = np.array(nominal) scaledn = np.array(nominal) #For selected ones, calculate uncertainties from the weighted histograms. for scale in SCALES: temp = np.array([ b.sumW() for b in aos['%s[%s]' % (path, scale) ].bins() ]) scaleup = np.array(list(map(max, zip(scaleup, temp)))) scaledn = np.array(list(map(min, zip(scaledn, temp)))) delta_qcd = 0.5 * (scaleup - scaledn) delta_total = np.sqrt(statsSq + delta_qcd ** 2) / bwidth #Writing uncertainties for i in range(OUT[hname].numPoints()): cval = OUT[hname].point(i).y() olderr = OUT[hname].point(i).yErrs()[0] cfg.contur_log.debug('old: %.1f%%, new: %.1f%%' % (100.*olderr/cval, 100.*delta_total[i]/cval)) OUT[hname].point(i).setYErrs(delta_total[i]) yoda.write(OUT, f_out)
[docs] def read_from_csv_files(analysis,histo_list,prediction): ''' Generic function to read SM prediction from a set of CSV files (usually digitised from the paper) ''' anaObjects = [] yoda_name =".yoda" rawdir = os.path.join(cfg.input_dir, # make directory if not already present. #cutil.mkoutdir(rawdir) f = contur.util.utils.find_ref_file(analysis) aos = for path, ao in aos.items(): ao = mkPlotFriendlyScatter(ao, includeOverflows=False, includeMaskedBins=False) for histo in histo_list: if histo in path: if"A": x, y = read_csv(rawdir,histo+".csv") else: x, y = read_csv(rawdir,"{}_{}.csv".format(histo, ao.rmAnnotation("ErrorBreakdown") ao.setPath("/THY/""/"+histo) # get rid of some of the spurious precision x = list(np.around(np.array(x),4)) y = list(np.around(np.array(y),4)) # list of pairs points = sorted(zip(x, y)) # check we have the right number of points" nBins = len(ao.points()) if not nBins == len(points)/3.0: cfg.contur_log.error("Mismatched number of points in {}, {} vs {}".format(path,nBins,len(points)/3.0)) continue counter=0 for point in ao.points(): # for each x value we have an upper, central and lower value. Get them and order them. yvals = sorted([points[counter][1],points[counter+1][1],points[counter+2][1]]) # central value point.setY(point.y()*yvals[1]) # uncertainty uncertainty_up = (yvals[2]-yvals[1])*point.y() uncertainty_down = (yvals[1]-yvals[0])*point.y() point.setYErrs(uncertainty_down, uncertainty_up) counter=counter+3 ao.setTitle(prediction.short_description) anaObjects.append(ao) if"A": yoda.write(anaObjects,"-Theory.yoda") else: yoda.write(anaObjects,"{}-Theory_{}.yoda".format(,
[docs] def do_ATLAS_2019_I1718132(prediction,mode_flag): ''' ATLAS dilepton–dijet events in proton–proton collisions at COM energy of 13TeV. 3 modes: electron-electron, muon-muon and electron-muon ''' mode_analysis = [":LMODE=ELEL", ":LMODE=MUMU", ":LMODE=ELMU"] a_name = "ATLAS_2019_I1718132" + mode_analysis[mode_flag-1] anaObjects = [] # get the analysis analysis = cdb.get_analyses(analysisid=a_name,filter=False)[0] # get the REF analysis objects. f = contur.util.utils.find_ref_file(analysis) aos = rawdir = os.path.join(cfg.input_dir, # output file f_out = prediction.file_name for path, orig_ao in aos.items(): ao = yoda.plotting.utils.mkPlotFriendlyScatter(orig_ao) histo = #print(histo) # MG is for all, B # Powheg is for EM, C # Sherpa is for EE, MM and is D # should be either a C or a D readB = False readC = False readD = False try: xB, yB = read_csv(rawdir,"{}_B.csv".format(histo)) readB = True except FileNotFoundError: # not all files are in the directories for ELEL, MUMU and ELMU, so this could be ok continue try: xX, yX = read_csv(rawdir,"{}_C.csv".format(histo)) readC = True except FileNotFoundError: xX, yX = read_csv(rawdir,"{}_D.csv".format(histo)) readD = True if readB and (readC or readD): cfg.contur_log.debug("Valid input found for {}, {}".format(histo, else: continue y_mid = [] if not len(xX) == len(xB): cfg.contur_log.error("Mismatched number of points between SM predictions for {}, {} vs {}".format(path,len(xB),len(xX))) continue for i in range(len(xB)): # generating new central data points using the mean of the two theories # at i = 0, the column headings are x and y, so we start at i+1 y_data = (yB[i] + yX[i])/2 y_mid.append(y_data) ao.rmAnnotation("ErrorBreakdown") ao.setPath("/THY/""/"+histo) # check we have the right number of points nBins = len(ao.points()) if not nBins == len(xX): cfg.contur_log.error("Mismatched number of points in {}, {} vs {}".format(path,nBins,len(xX))) continue counter=0 for point in ao.points(): # for each x value we have an upper, central and lower value. Get them and order them. yvals = sorted([yB[counter],y_mid[counter],yX[counter]]) # central value point.setY(point.y()*yvals[1]) # uncertainty uncertainty_up = (yvals[2]-yvals[1])*point.y() uncertainty_down = (yvals[1]-yvals[0])*point.y() point.setYErrs(uncertainty_down, uncertainty_up) counter=counter+1"Creating SM for {}, {}".format(histo, ao.setTitle(prediction.short_description) anaObjects.append(ao) # there are two analyses used to generate the centre points, B and T yoda.write(anaObjects,"-Theory.yoda")
[docs] def do_ATLAS_2022_I2037744(prediction): a_name = "ATLAS_2022_I2037744" anaObjects = [] yoda_name = a_name + "-Theory.yoda" rawdir = os.path.join(cfg.input_dir,a_name) aos = + "/" + yoda_name) f_out = prediction.file_name for path, ao in aos.items(): histo = csv_data = [] cfg.contur_log.debug(rawdir + "/{}.csv".format(histo)) #Reading csv files with open(rawdir + "/{}.csv".format(histo), 'r') as file: csv_reader = csv.reader(file) next(csv_reader) for row in csv_reader: csv_data.append(row[1:]) #Finding the max distance dn and up from central values PWG+Py8 data_arr = np.array(csv_data, dtype=float) diff = np.transpose(data_arr[1:] - data_arr[0]) downErr = np.min(np.where(diff < 0, diff, 1), axis=1) upErr = np.max(np.where(diff > 0, diff, -1), axis=1) #When all predictions are above/below the PWG+Py8 and giving 0 up or down error: set up error = down error downErr[downErr == 1] = 0 upErr[upErr == -1] = 0 up_indices, down_indices = np.where(upErr == 0)[0], np.where(downErr == 0)[0] upErr[up_indices] = downErr[up_indices] * -1 downErr[down_indices] = upErr[down_indices] * -1 upErr.tolist() downErr.tolist() ao.rmAnnotation("ErrorBreakdown") ao.setPath("/THY/"+a_name+"/"+histo) #Writing uncertainties to Yoda files counter = 0 for point in ao.points(): #print(point) #print(upErr[counter]*point.y(), downErr[counter]*point.y()) point.setYErrs(downErr[counter]*point.y()*-1, upErr[counter]*point.y()) counter = counter + 1 ao.setTitle(prediction.short_description) anaObjects.append(ao) yoda.write(anaObjects, a_name+"-Theory.yoda")