Source code for

import sqlite3 as db
import contur
import contur.config.config as cfg
import contur.scan.grid_tools as cgt
from contur.scan.os_functions import read_param_steering_file
import os
import re

INIT_MDB  = False

[docs] def init_mdb(): """ Initialise the model database """ try: conn = db.connect(cfg.models_dbfile) except db.OperationalError: cfg.contur_log.error("Failed to open result DB file: {}".format(cfg.models_dbfile)) raise c = conn.cursor() _create_model_and_parameter_tables(c) conn.commit() conn.close() global INIT_MBD INIT_MDB = True return
[docs] def open_for_reading(file): if not os.path.isfile(file): raise cfg.ConturError("Tried to read points from {}, which does not exist.".format(file)) try: conn = db.connect(file) except db.OperationalError: cfg.contur_log.error("Failed to open result DB file: {}".format(cfg.results_dbfile)) raise return conn
[docs] def init_dadb(): """ initialise the local results database """ try: conn = db.connect(cfg.results_dbfile) except db.OperationalError: cfg.contur_log.error("Failed to open result DB file: {}".format(cfg.results_dbfile)) raise c = conn.cursor() _create_model_and_parameter_tables(c) c.execute('''create table if not exists model_point (id integer primary key AUTOINCREMENT, model_id integer not null, yoda_files text, run_point text, foreign key(model_id) references model(id) on delete cascade on update cascade);''') # parameter_value with the same model_point_id is in the same parameter_point c.execute('''create table if not exists parameter_value (id integer primary key AUTOINCREMENT, model_point_id integer not null, parameter_id integer, name varchar(255) not null, value double not null, foreign key(model_point_id) references model_point(id) on delete cascade on update cascade, foreign key(parameter_id) references parameter(id) on delete cascade on update cascade);''') # run contur command multiple times, then we'll have multiple heatmap data c.execute('''create table if not exists map (id integer primary key AUTOINCREMENT, name varchar(255));''') # record scan modes used for each parameter (for slice plotting) c.execute('''create table if not exists scan_mode (id integer primary key AUTOINCREMENT, model_id integer not null, map_id integer not null, parameter_id integer, parameter_name varchar(255), mode varchar(255), foreign key(model_id) references model(id) on delete cascade on update cascade, foreign key(map_id) references map(id) on delete cascade on update cascade, foreign key(parameter_id) references parameter(id) on delete cascade on update cascade);''') # different run with different model_point will produce different exclusion results c.execute('''create table if not exists run (id integer primary key AUTOINCREMENT, map_id integer not null, model_point_id integer not null, events_num integer not null, stat_type varchar(255) not null, combined_exclusion double not null, mu_upper_limit double, mu_hat double, addition_argument varchar(255), foreign key(model_point_id) references model_point(id) on delete cascade on update cascade, foreign key(map_id) references map(id) on delete cascade on update cascade);''') # store the intermediate result to recalculate the exclusion if a pool name is omiited c.execute('''create table if not exists intermediate_result (id integer primary key AUTOINCREMENT, run_id integer not null, pool_name varchar(255) not null, stat_type varchar(255) not null, ts_b double not null, ts_s_b double not null, foreign key(run_id) references run(id) on delete cascade on update cascade);''') c.execute('''create table if not exists exclusions (id integer primary key AUTOINCREMENT, run_id integer not null, pool_name varchar(255) not null, stat_type varchar(255) not null, exclusion double not null, mu_upper_limit double, mu_hat double, histos text not null, foreign key(run_id) references run(id) on delete cascade on update cascade);''') c.execute('''create table if not exists obs_exclusions (id integer primary key AUTOINCREMENT, run_id integer not null, stat_type varchar(255) not null, exclusion double, mu_upper_limit double, mu_hat double, histo text not null, foreign key(run_id) references run(id) on delete cascade on update cascade);''') conn.commit() conn.close() global INIT_DABD INIT_DADB = True
[docs] def generate_model_and_parameter(model_db=False): """ Create the model and parameter tables and populate them if model_db is True, they are written to the central model database, otherwise they are written to the local results db (and the other tables will also be created, empty) """ if model_db: if not INIT_MDB: init_mdb() conn = db.connect(cfg.models_dbfile) else: if not INIT_DADB: init_dadb() conn = db.connect(cfg.results_dbfile) c = conn.cursor() default_contur_url = "" default_version = "0" croot = os.getenv("CONTUR_USER_DIR") models_path = os.path.join(croot, "data", "Models") if models_path is None: raise Exception("CONTUR_USER_DIR not defined") for root, dirs, files in sorted(os.walk(models_path)): # reach the bottom most directory if len(dirs) == 0: model_dir_name = os.path.basename(root) location = root["Models", root).end():] exist_log_file = False exist_source_file = False # first search for source.txt files for file in files: if file == "source.txt": exist_source_file = True with open(os.path.join(root, file), 'r') as f: content = name = re.findall(r"name=(.*)\n", content)[0] if name != model_dir_name: cfg.contur_log.warning( "Model name in the source.txt should be the same as the model's directory name!") version = re.findall(r"version=(.*)\n", content)[0] if re.findall(r"version=(.*)\n", content) else "0" url = re.findall(r"url=(.*)\n", content)[0] if re.findall(r"url=(.*)\n", content) else None contur_url = re.findall(r"contur_url=(.*)\n", content)[0] if re.findall(r"contur_url=(.*)\n", content) else None author = re.findall(r"author=(.*)\n", content)[0] if re.findall(r"author=(.*)\n", content) else None reference = re.findall(r"reference=(.*)\n", content)[0] if re.findall(r"reference=(.*)\n", content) else None if contur_url is not None: contur_web_url = contur_url["/data/Models", contur_url).end()] location = contur_url["/data/Models", contur_url).end():] c.execute("insert into model (id,name,version,author,original_source,contur_url,location,reference) \ values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);", (None, name, version, author, url, contur_web_url, location, reference)) break # source.txt file not exists, search for log file if not exist_source_file: for file in files: # store model data if log file exists if file.endswith(".log") and model_dir_name in file: exist_log_file = True with open(os.path.join(root, file), 'r') as f: content = version = re.findall(r"\d+\.(?:\d+\.)*\d+", content)[0] c.execute("insert into model (id,name,version,contur_url,location) \ values (?,?,?,?,?);", (None, model_dir_name, version, default_contur_url, location)) break if not exist_log_file and not exist_source_file: c.execute("insert into model (id,name,version,contur_url,location) \ values (?,?,?,?,?);", (None, model_dir_name, default_version, default_contur_url, location)) model_id = c.execute("select id from model order by id desc").fetchone()[0] # after store model data, search for parameter data for file in files: # store parameter data if file == "": with open(os.path.join(root, file), 'r') as f: parameters ="Parameter")[2:] for parameter in parameters: parameter_name = re.findall(r"name = \'(\w+)*\'", parameter)[0] parameter_type = re.findall(r"type = \'(\w+)*\'", parameter)[0] parameter_value = re.findall(r"value = \'?([^\',]+)\'?", parameter)[0] parameter_texname = re.findall(r"texname = \'?([^\']+)\'?", parameter)[0] c.execute("insert into parameter (id,model_id,name,texname,type,value) \ values (?,?,?,?,?,?);", ( None, model_id, parameter_name, parameter_texname, parameter_type, parameter_value)) conn.commit() conn.close() global GENERATE_MODEL_DATA GENERATE_MODEL_DATA = True
[docs] def get_model_version(dir): """ for a model somewhere in the tree below dir, get its version """ exist_log_file = False exist_source_file = False for root, _, files in sorted(os.walk(dir, topdown=False)): for file in files: if file == "source.txt": exist_source_file = True with open(os.path.join(root, file), 'r') as f: content = version = re.findall(r"version=(.*)\n", content)[0] if not exist_source_file: for file in files: if file.endswith(".log") and os.path.basename(dir) in file: exist_log_file = True with open(os.path.join(root, file), 'r') as f: content = version = re.findall(r"\d+\.(?:\d+\.)*\d+", content)[0] if not exist_source_file and not exist_log_file: version = "0" return version
[docs] def get_model_id(run_info_path): """ check the model database to see if the model in run_info_path is present. if so, return its id (-1 if not found). """ conn = open_for_reading(cfg.models_dbfile) c = conn.cursor() model_id = -1 for root, dirs, _ in sorted(os.walk(run_info_path)): for dir in dirs: # search for model's name and version version = get_model_version(os.path.join(root,dir)) res = c.execute("select id from model where name = ? and version = ?;", (dir, version)).fetchone() if res is None: continue else: model_id = res[0]"Found matching mode with ID {}".format(model_id)) break if model_id == -1: msg = "No match found in the Contur Model database for the model in {}.\n".format(run_info_path) msg += " If you want this to be added, copy the sources files into the contur Models area and remake." # do we want to write this model and parameters to the local db too? probs not. conn.close() return model_id
[docs] def write_grid_data(conturDepot, args, yodafile=None): """ populate the local database with information about this run. """ # see if this model is in the DB already run_info_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath("."), cfg.run_info) try: model_id = get_model_id(run_info_path) except db.OperationalError as dboe: raise cfg.ConturError(dboe) if conturDepot.points is None: return False # now open the local results file for writing. if not INIT_DADB: init_dadb() conn = db.connect(cfg.results_dbfile) c = conn.cursor() default_list = ['LOG','OUTPUTDIR','GRID','TAG','MAPFILE','RUNNAME','INIT_DB','PARAM_FILE','SLHA','BEAMS','THCORR','MIN_SYST','ERR_PREC','LL_PREC','N_ITER','MNS'] # record the additional arguments addition_argument_list = [] for i in args: if args[i] and i not in default_list: addition_argument_list.append(i) # list to string addition_argument = "/".join(addition_argument_list) runname = args['RUNNAME'] c.execute("insert into map (id,name) \ values (?,?);", (None, runname)) # each run will have the same heatmap (ie same map id) and the same events_num map_id = c.execute("select id from map order by id desc;").fetchone()[0] events_num = 0 batch_log_file_path = "contur_batch.log" if os.path.exists(batch_log_file_path): batch_log_file = open(batch_log_file_path, 'r') events_log ='\n')[0] try: events_num = re.match(r'.*events: (\d*)\Z', events_log).group(1) except AttributeError: events_num = cfg.default_nev cfg.contur_log.warning("Could not find event number in {}. Assuming default {}.".format(batch_log_file_path,events_num)) else: events_num = cfg.default_nev cfg.contur_log.warning("Could not find {}. Assuming default number of events {}.".format(batch_log_file_path,events_num)) # look for the param steering file in the input dir. add it to the db if found param_dict = None if (cfg.grid is not None): for file in os.listdir(cfg.grid): if file.endswith('.dat'): try: param_dict, run_dict = read_param_steering_file(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(cfg.grid), file)) break # if found the param file except KeyError: continue # keep looking if we find the wrong .dat file if param_dict is None: cfg.contur_log.warning("No param file in {}, unable to write scan modes to database".format(cfg.grid)) else: for param, values in param_dict.items(): res = c.execute("select id from parameter where model_id = ? and name = ?;", (str(model_id), param,)).fetchone() # can't find parameter id so insert as null if res is None: c.execute("insert into scan_mode (id, model_id, map_id, parameter_name, mode)\ values (?,?,?,?,?);", (None, model_id, map_id, param, values['mode'])) else: parameter_id = res[0] c.execute("insert into scan_mode (id, model_id, map_id, parameter_id, parameter_name, mode) \ values (?,?,?,?,?,?)", (None, model_id, map_id, param, values['mode'])) for likelihood_point in conturDepot.points: # store all stat types to database. if yodafile is None: grid_name = os.path.abspath(cfg.grid) yoda_files_list = cgt.find_param_point(grid_name, cfg.tag, likelihood_point.param_point) yodaFiles = ",".join(yoda_files_list) else: yodaFiles = yodafile current_run_point = likelihood_point.get_run_point() # generate model_point data c.execute("insert into model_point (id, model_id, yoda_files, run_point) values (?,?,?,?);", (None, model_id, str(yodaFiles), str(current_run_point))) model_point_id = c.execute("select id from model_point order by id desc").fetchone()[0] for stat_type in cfg.stat_types: # write information for parameter points if likelihood_point.get_full_likelihood(stat_type) is not None and likelihood_point.get_full_likelihood(stat_type).getCLs(stat_type) is not None: # match parameter point with yoda files TODO I suspect we can do this more efficiently # by using info from the map file? for param, val in likelihood_point.param_point.items(): res = c.execute("select id from parameter where model_id = ? and name = ?;", (str(model_id), param,)).fetchone() # this parameter is not original from contur model if res is None: c.execute("insert into parameter_value (id,model_point_id,name,value)\ values (?,?,?,?);", (None, model_point_id, param, val)) else: parameter_id = res[0] c.execute("insert into parameter_value (id,model_point_id,parameter_id,name,value)\ values (?,?,?,?,?);", (None, model_point_id, parameter_id, param, val)) c.execute("insert into run (id,map_id,model_point_id,events_num,stat_type,combined_exclusion,mu_upper_limit,mu_hat,addition_argument) \ values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,? )", (None, map_id, model_point_id, events_num, stat_type, likelihood_point.get_full_likelihood(stat_type).getCLs(stat_type),likelihood_point.get_full_likelihood(stat_type).get_mu_upper_limit(stat_type),likelihood_point.get_full_likelihood(stat_type).get_mu_hat(stat_type), addition_argument)) run_id = c.execute("select id from run order by id desc;").fetchone()[0] for x in likelihood_point.get_sorted_likelihood_blocks(stat_type): c.execute("insert into exclusions (id, run_id, pool_name, stat_type, exclusion, mu_upper_limit, mu_hat, histos) \ values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);", (None, run_id, x.pools, stat_type, x.getCLs(stat_type), x.get_mu_upper_limit(stat_type),x.get_mu_hat(stat_type), x.tags)) # skip the None value if x.get_ts_b(stat_type) is None: continue c.execute("insert into intermediate_result (id,run_id,pool_name,stat_type,ts_b,ts_s_b) \ values (?,?,?,?,?,?);", (None, run_id, x.pools, stat_type, x.get_ts_b(stat_type), x.get_ts_s_b(stat_type))) for obs, exc in likelihood_point.obs_excl_dict.items(): c.execute("insert into obs_exclusions (id, run_id, stat_type, exclusion, mu_upper_limit, mu_hat, histo) \ values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?);", (None, run_id, stat_type, exc[stat_type]['CLs'], exc[stat_type]['mu_upper_limit'],exc[stat_type]['mu_hat'], obs)) conn.commit() conn.close()"Writing summary for grid mode into database: {}".format(cfg.results_dbfile))
[docs] def find_model_point_by_params(paramList): """ Send a list of parameters **paramList**, this will return the closest model point for which results are available in the results database. """ params = {} model_points = {} # parse the parameter list # turn the values into floats if possible for pair in paramList: temp = pair.split('=') try: params[temp[0]] = float(temp[1]) except ValueError: params[temp[0]] = temp[1] model_points[temp[0]] = []'Looking for the closest match to these parameter values: {}'.format(params)) try: conn = open_for_reading(cfg.results_dbfile) c = conn.cursor() except db.OperationalError as dboe: raise cfg.ConturError(dboe) for param, val in params.items(): search_sql = "select min(value) from parameter_value where value >= {} and name=\'{}\';".format(val,param) near_val = c.execute(search_sql).fetchone()[0] if near_val is None: raise db.OperationalError("No values found in DB for parameter {}".format(param)) search_sql = "select model_point_id from parameter_value where name = \'{}\' and value ={}".format(param,near_val) model_point_ids = c.execute(search_sql).fetchall() # TODO: this might not actually be closest, since we only look from below. for model_point_id in model_point_ids: model_points[param].append(model_point_id[0]) # now look for a model point which is in the "closest" list for all parameters new_model_points = [] iterP = next(iter(params)) for model_point in model_points[iterP]: inAll = True for points in model_points.values(): if model_point not in points: inAll = False if inAll: new_model_points.append(model_point) return new_model_points
[docs] def search_yoda_file(model_points): """ Sent a list of **model_points**, will return a list of corresponding yoda filenames. """ conn = open_for_reading(cfg.results_dbfile) c = conn.cursor() search_yoda_sql = "select yoda_files from model_point where id in (" + ','.join(map(str, model_points)) + ");" yoda_file_res = c.execute(search_yoda_sql).fetchall() yoda_file_list = [] for yoda_file_str in yoda_file_res: yoda_files=yoda_file_str[0].split(",") for file in yoda_files: yoda_file_list.append(file.strip("[").strip("]").replace("'","").strip()) conn.commit() conn.close() return yoda_file_list
[docs] def find_param_point_db(paramList): """ Given a list of model parameters, search the results DB for the closest match, and return the associated yoda file names. """ try: model_points = find_model_point_by_params(paramList) yoda_files = search_yoda_file(model_points) except db.OperationalError as dboe: raise cfg.ConturError(dboe)'These files have been identified as the nearest match: {}'.format(yoda_files)) return yoda_files
[docs] def show_param_detail_db(paramList): """ Given a list of models parameters, search the results DB for the closest match, print some detailed info, and return the associated yoda file names. """ conn = open_for_reading(cfg.results_dbfile) model_points = find_model_point_by_params(paramList) yoda_files = search_yoda_file(model_points) for model_point_id in model_points: search_sql = "select name,value from parameter_value where model_point_id = " + str(model_point_id) + ";" res = c.execute(search_sql).fetchall()"********************************")"Parameters for this run are:") for params in res:"{}: {}".format(params[0], params[1])) search_sql = "select yoda_files from model_point where id =" + str(model_point_id) + ";" yoda_file = c.execute(search_sql).fetchone()[0]"Files identified as the nearest match: {}".format(yoda_file)) search_sql = "select id,events_num,combined_exclusion from run where model_point_id = " + str( model_point_id) + ";" run_res = c.execute(search_sql).fetchone() run_id = run_res[0] events_num = run_res[1] combined_exclusion = run_res[2] "Combined exclusion and number of events: {}, {}".format(combined_exclusion, events_num))"Histograms contributed to the combined exclusion (exclusion>0.5):") search_sql = "select pool_name,exclusion,histos from exclusions where run_id = " + str( run_id) + " and exclusion > " + str(EXCLUSION_THRESHOLD) + ";" exclusion_res = c.execute(search_sql).fetchall() for exclusion in exclusion_res: "pool:{}, exclusion:{}, histograms:{}".format(exclusion[0], exclusion[1], exclusion[2])) return yoda_files
def _create_model_and_parameter_tables(c): """ Make the model table and the parameter table on connection c. """ c.execute('''create table if not exists model (id integer primary key AUTOINCREMENT, name varchar(255) not null, version varchar(255) not null, author varchar(255), original_source varchar(255), contur_url varchar(255), location varchar(255), reference varchar(255));''') # TODO: Comment it out temporarily to avoid exceptions # c.execute('''create unique index if not exists model_version on model (name, version);''') c.execute('''create table if not exists parameter (id integer primary key AUTOINCREMENT, model_id integer not null, name varchar(255) not null, texname varchar(255) not null, type varchar(50) not null, value varchar(50) not null, foreign key(model_id) references model(id) on delete cascade on update cascade);''') return